Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Hunger Games

If you've been privy to my Facebook status and Twitter updates lately, you'll know that I just completed all three books in Suzanne Collins' Hunger Games trilogy in less than four days. Yes, they are that compelling.

I read them all on my Kindle. I am a huge fan of the Kindle. It makes reading while lying down really easy because you only have to keep one hand on the device and it doesn't get tired from holding it open. You don't need a second hand to turn pages. What can I say? I'm a lazy reader.

What I did not anticipate when reading books on my Kindle was how strong a desire I would have to be able to physically hold a book in my hands after I'd fallen in love with the words on its' pages. The need to easily flip through to memorable passages. To take pen to the paper and underline things with real ink instead of highlighting with a cursor.

Also, I have this really strange desire to dissect these books AP English-style. I want to draw out all the correlations, symbolism, and themes. I want to truly understand the depth of the allegory the author lays out. I want to better define my own personal political and worldview utilizing scenes and quotes from the novels. In short, I have been thinking about these books when I go to bed and when I wake up.

The last time a series of novels possessed me this whole-heartedly was several years ago when I breezed through all seven Harry Potter books in under a month. I stayed up through the night reading. I took extra "bathroom breaks" at work to read. I cried when I finished the last page of the last book. This is what really great, thought-provoking books with well-developed characters and intricate plots can do to me. I think this is why I stopped reading anything for months at a time after the Potter series. I needed to detox.

With all that being said, go ahead and laugh when I tell you that I just ordered the hardcover box set on Amazon this morning. Happy early birthday to me!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sarah's Key

Have you ever cried your way through an entire novel?

If you read this, you will. And it's a good thing.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

An Altar in the World

Whenever I have the time, I pick up the book "An Altar in the World" by Barbara Brown Taylor.  Taylor is a retired minister who teaches at a small Bible college in North Georgia.  I believe "Altar" is her second book.  It is about seeing and worshipping God in everything around you. 

I love Taylor's writing style.  It's like reading the words of a friend.

Since Garrick and I still haven't settled on a church home (after 5 years, mind you), it is nice to be reminded that we can worship wherever we are.  Worship isn't exclusive to the four walls of a church.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

In the beginning...

I've decided to write a blog about things I'm reading.  I feel like it would be beneficial to my critical thinking skills which may have declined in the eight years since college. 

I'm not sure what I'll start with, though.  I've gotten halfway through one book and misplaced it.  I can't even remember the name of it to reference here, but I know I liked it whenever I picked it up, so I may get back to that one.

I recently read the prologue and first chapter of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo on my kindle.  I'll definitely have to start that one over when I have ample time to get into it.  It's a little confusing to start.

One of my clients gave me two books to read, so I'll get around to those at some point, too!

Plenty of reading to write about.  Now I just have to get to reading!